Creating Django Management Commands

Creating a website with Django is great fun, but eventually you’ll need to write a tool to clean up you data, expire old users or one of the myriad of other administration tasks that are involved with running a website.

You’ll be very used to using to create your database and to run your webserver. It make sense to use the same script for your own admin tools. Not only to get the benefit of sharing lots of you code but also Django will take care of parsing command line arguments and importing your settings for you.

Unfortunately the Django documentation is quite lacking on how to add your own command, but it’s really quite easy.

If your app is in project/app then create the directories project/app/management/commands. Create an empty file called in both the management and commands directories. Once you’ve done that every other python file in the commands directory can be executed via If you create the file project/app/management/commands/ then it can be run as x.

Each file which contains a command must define a class called Command which derives from Rather than derive directly from BaseCommand you’ll most likely want to derive from NoArgsCommand, LabelCommand or AppCommand. First I’ll explain how to make a command when deriving from BaseCommand and then we’ll look at the helper classes.

from optparse import make_option
from import BaseCommand, CommandError

class Command(BaseCommand):
    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
        make_option('--long', '-l', dest='long',
            help='Help for the long options'),
    help = 'Help text goes here'

    def handle(self, **options):
        print "This is a command"

The code above should be fairly self explanatory. The code for your command goes inside the handle function, while the options that your command accepts go in the options_list variable above. In this example the code accepts one option, long, which will be passed as a value in the options dictionary.

If you command doesn’t need any options then you should derive from NoArgsCommand and override handle_noargs rather than handle.

The other two types of commands are AppCommand and LabelCommand. These both take any number of arguments on the commandline, but AppCommand checks that they are app names while LabelCommand passes them on unchanged. You should override handle_app and handle_label rather than handle, and these functions will be called once for each commandline argument with the argument as the first parameter to the function.

For more inspiration take a look at the default management commands

Next time I’ll show how you can write a real command which will help you keep your views updated if you use couchdb as a datastore.

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[...] to keep them in your version control system. In this article I’ll show you how you can use a django management command to update your views from files in your code [...]

Updating CouchDB Views In Django « Andrew Wilkinson

11 Mar 2009

Wow! Thanks for this post! It is really helpful!

Janusz Kamieński

14 Sep 2010

[...] to be kicked off by seeding it with some URLs. I’ve previously posted about how to create a Django management command and they’re a perfect fit here. The command takes one argument, the url, and creates a Celery [...]

Beating Google With CouchDB, Celery and Whoosh (Part 3) « Andrew Wilkinson

04 Oct 2011

can u plzz help in generating management commands that takes argument from command line .AND i need to pass that argument in one of the functions defined in class .

Amita Singh

25 Apr 2012